Home > Feb, 2014 > Program


Symposium program(Final)

Feb. 12th(Wed)
12:00-18:00 Registration
12:50-13:00 Opening Remarks: Prof. Yasuhiro Horiike, Japan
13:00-14:00 Plenary Lecture: Prof. Toyoki Kunitake, Japan
14:00-15:00 Honor Lecture: Dr. Francis Pruche, Senlis, France
15:00-16:00 Plenary Lecture: Prof. Sang-Joon Lee, Korea
16:00-18:00 Poster&Welcome Reception

Feb. 13th(Thu)
9:00-17:30 Oral Presentations
18:00-20:00 Banquet

Feb. 14th(Fri)
9:00-17:50 Oral Presentations
17:55-18:05 Closing Remarks: Prof.Wan Doo Kim, Korea

Feb. 15th(Sat)
Labo and Museum tours, and Discussions at Hokkaido University

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