
ホーム > 会議・シンポジウム案内 > (10/4更新)[2016.10.20-21@名古屋] 5th Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS)

(10/4更新)[2016.10.20-21@名古屋] 5th Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS)


5th Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS)

日 時:2016年10月20日(木)11:00~17:30 / October 20th (Thu.), 2016, 11:00-17:30
文字間調整用空欄文字間調整用空欄文字間調整用空欄文字間調整用空欄文字間調整用空欄10月21日(金)10:00~16:00 /  文字間調整用空欄文字間調整用空欄21th (Fri.)  , 2016, 10:00-16:00

会 場:名古屋工業大学 4号館1階ホール/ Nagoya institute of Technology (NITech)

文字間調整用空欄〒466-8555 名古屋市昭和区御器所町 / Gokiso, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan


主 催:名古屋工業大学、国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 / NITech, AIST

共 催:文部科学省 科学技術研究費補助金(新学術領域)「生物規範工学」 / Grant‐in‐Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)「Innovative Materials Engineering Based on Biological Diversity」

協 賛:高分子学会 バイオミメティクス研究会、NBCIバイオミメティクス分科会 / Research Group on Biomimetics of The Society of Polymer Science, Japan,Branch Meeting on Biomimetics of Nanotechnology Business Creation Initiative (NBCI)

定 員:150名


Since 2012, Grant‐in‐Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Leader: Prof. Masatsugu Shimomura (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology)) has organized Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS) to provide the world community with opportunities to meet and discuss most updated topics, in particular, surface/interface and materials, in engineering neo-biomimetics. We have pleasure in announcing that the 5th NaBIS will be held in Nagoya from October 20th through 21th, 2016. We look forward to having the pleasure welcoming you to the 5th NaBIS.

Program (tentative)


11:00−11:05  Opening Remarks
Prof. Masatsugu Shimomura (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

11:05−12:05 (Chair Dr. Atsushi Hozumi)
Prof. Lei Jiang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
「Smart Interfacial Materials from Super-Wettability to Binary Cooperative Complementary Systems」

12:05ー13:00 Lunch

13:00ー13:30  (Chair Dr. Chihiro Urata)
Prof. Raju Gupta (IIT Kanpur, India)
「Biomass Waste-Derived Carbon Nanostructures and Their Metal Oxide Composites for Waste Water Treatment Applications」

Prof. Michinari Kohri (Chiba Univ., Japan)
「Biomimetic Structural Colors Inspired by Bird Feathers」

Prof. Hyuneui Lim (KIMM, South Korea)
「Nature inspired nanosurfaces and beyond」

Dr. Chihiro Urata (AIST, Japan)
「Anti-sticking properties of self-lubricating organogels (SLUGs) inspired by slug’s skin」

15:00ー15:15 Break

15:15ー15:45  (Chair Dr. Matt W. England)
Prof. Animangsu Ghatak (IIT, Kanpur, India)
「Bio-inspired Adhesion and Locomotion of Soft Objects」

15:15ー15:45  (Chair Dr. Matt W. England)
Dr. Takuya Ohzono (AIST, Japan)
「Sliding Friction on Shape-Tunable Wrinkles」

Mr. Takashi Kushibiki (Shimadzu, Japan)
「X-ray CT Observation of Living Things」

16:15ー17:30 Poster Session

18:30 Banquet
オールデイダイニング パーゴラ / PERGOLA
愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1-1-4 名古屋マリオットアソシアホテル 15F
Fee : 6,000 JPY



10:00ー11:00 (Chair Dr. Atsushi Hozumi)
Prof. Tom McCarthy(UMass, Amherst, USA)
「Water and its Affinity to Hydrophobic Surfaces」

11:00ー11:30 (Chair Dr. Tomoya Sato)
Prof. Yuji Hirai (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
「AFM friction measurements of the insect scale surface」

Prof. Krishnacharya(IIT, Kanpur, India)
「Mechanically Tunable Adhesion/Friction of PDMS wrinkles」

12:00ー13:00 Lunch

13:00ー13:30 (Chair Dr. Liming Wang)
Prof. Syuji Fuji (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan)
「Particle stabilized soft dispersed systems as a platform towards adhesive materials」

Prof. Takayuki Kurokawa (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
「Effect of Fibrous Skeleton at Clingfish Suction Pad」

Prof. Hirotaka Maeda (NITech, Japan)
「Thermal Management using Diatom Shells」

14:30ー14:50 Break

14:50ー15:20 (Chair Prof. Syuji Fuji)

Prof. Daisuke Ishii (NITech, Japan)
「Biomimetic Liquid Manipulation on structured surfaces」

Prof. Haeshin Lee (KAIST, Korea)
「CATECHOL Batteires: Improvement of Battery Performances by Catechol and its Deriveative Adhesive Molecules」

15:50ー16:00 Closing remarks
Prof. Toshihiro Kasuga (NITech, Japan)


1. 氏名(日本語・英語)
2. 所属(英語)
3. 職名または学年(日本語)
4. 連絡先(メールアドレス)
5.  交流会参加の有無
を明記の上、E-mail: office@poly.es.hokudai.ac.jp までお申し込みください。



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※ 締切日が変更となりました。ご注意ください。


